This is a topic that comes up often and is very complex. So see your Doctor to eliminate the nasty stuff.
Read on if you want to look at your own environment a simple thing to address as well.
The one thing people often forget or not aware of is the Power of REM sleep. This is essential for you to have to feel refreshed and rejuvenated when you wake up. During Rem sleep your hormones play in an orchestra to signal cells to go back into balance. The conductor of your hormones in the Pineal Gland starts to get the orchestra in sync . Hormones released to reduce stress hormones, to activate, organs such as teeth in babies and toddlers to move, hormones to rejuvenate our cells, all rely on REM sleep to do the job. So if you don’t get REM sleep between 1am and 5am you can awake being sluggish and not refreshed. It is coded in our DNA, I refer to as the natural blueprint of things. Hence why shift workers have so much trouble.
There are many factors and many stages of the life journey, that alters sleep. Added medications, stress, social factors, the aging process, the list goes on, young children, noisy neighbours, So see A GP for the medical stuff to be eliminated then do the simple stuff yourself which is what I am talking about here. We sleep in cycles and this determined by professional sleep studies for sleep apnoea and many other disorders.
There is a massive amount of sleep study information available now so google and research all you like. This is a simple approach you can remember on the fly.
You brain is a receiver for information and intricate part of the nervous system for the physical body and metaphysical anatomy to makes sense of it all. We forget that artificial electrical transmitter waves can interfere with it. We are exposed to WIFI , smart meters on our houses with various levels of electric waves that emits waves of different strengths from weak ones to massively strong, similar to microwaves. Every electronic device on the market, all emitting electrical waves about our head and body. With 5G on its way, goodness knows, as no research done yet. All sorts of waves, electronic, magnetic, and the list goes on. This does mess with our bodies own ability to sleep in many ways. With smart houses this can be troublesome for some sensitive people.
Action Take all Electronics out of your bedroom. Tablets, phones, Televisions connected to wifi.
The bedroom is for It is for Sleep and Sex. Go buy an old fashioned alarm clock to wake you. so many people have reported back to me this simple thing has assisted their sleep.
Action 2: Do not watch horror, or programs with high suspense and drama, This will overactivate your adrenaline response and take your juices too long to rejuvenate to restore a normal sleep pattern.
2:1: Go to bed same time if possible. Do not drink caffeinated drinks 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Action: 3 See where your bed head is located in respect to the the smart meter? Strangely most master bedroom have it on the wall behind the head of the bed. Check if it is insulated from your head. If not go line the back of your bed board the head of it with strong Alfoil insulation.
Action 4: Are you sleeping with head in North east? if so according to Vaastu principles it a good thing.
Action 5: Do the Twin hearts meditation from this site and or Get a remote ROF treatment to regulate your metaphysical anatomy. Do a simple mindful rest calming exercise. Sleep soft music.
Action 6: Do you overheat or get too cold during sleep. This will disturb or break your REM sleep.
Two single doona can assist if one partner is hotter than an other.
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