
  • This is a great place to start when learning to meditate.
  • Turn off phones, remove kids and dogs, Put do not disturb on door.  takes about 45 min.
  • Sit upright in chair with feet flat on floor, eyes closed arms and legs uncrossed.
  • Take a few deep large breathes in through nose and out of mouth.  ( helps relax)
  • This is a gift to mankind and mother earth.
  • Do this weekly for a few months, then  built up to daily after a few more months.
  • This takes practice and discipline, then watch your self evolve.

Do the exercises first.  Click on Play on the audio below and the track will guide through some Exercises.

These important like you warm up you muscles on your physical body with 10 min of cardio, to prevent injury.

Once you have completed the Exercises and you are ready to loosen the debris on your Energy Body to facilitate better removal of your negative debris. Click on Play on the audio below as begin to lossen the debris from your energy body.

Download a copy right click this link and “Save As” Twin-Hearts-MCKS-with-white-light-to-all-body-organs-old-one

Kids Two Hearts: suggested ages 3-12. They do not have to sit still or be quiet. 

Modified: For kids to DE-stress and rejuvenate: Home schooling and Covid has taken its toll.

Prep: Get a balloon or ball of any type to hold during and use as a aid to do. Plus a drawing of a blue triangle on a piece of paper to have in readiness for younger children. Or just to understand the imagery.

See the source imageSee the source imageImage result for Two HeartsImage result for image of earth

Older kids can use their minds eye: Lasts for 14 minutes.