Home Schooling!

  • 1: Parents, Check your Stress symptoms: Am i fatigued, sleep deprived, snappy, irritable, no patience, angry, raising my voice, ready to punch a wall! Well this could be what your kid is FEELING!
  • The kids mirror your emotions, mum”s more so, (as you are still connected etherically, as the etheric umbilical cord still there. The physical one removed at birth, but energy one still pumping an energy channel like the fiber optic of your NBN. Fathers can feel this as well, if there NBN is switch on!) Trippy but true!
  • This will cause an energy connection and the kid will feel and feed off this.
  • Kids with special needs more so, with added issues, they often cannot verbalize the disruption to their emotions.
  • Lets just try and get this into some perspective.
  • Kids and parents in remote Australia have done this and survived. You can too. They have been very successful. So can you. Just stop and Breathe.
  • 2: Am/Are we expecting too much in the illusion of perfectionism. Take stock, teachers have bad days too, along with kids ability to learn on any given day. For high achiever parents this can be a trap you are in.
  • 3: Parents working from home: this has complicated the best laid plans from the education department. Their hands are tied, as yours, Stop panicking and just do your best.
  • 4: Some tips i have heard from friends, family, colleagues, professionals.
  • Get a routine: Breakfast, and into school at 9am. aim to finish at 12. (can work) or they may work best after lunch. Pick one, and stick with it for that day.
  • Make sure kid not hungry, they will not focus or learn, Let go of crazy health fads. ie. if the kid will only eat white food, give him white food, and a chew- able vitamin. Leave that fight for COVID free days. One thing i know they will not learn when hungry.
  • You know your child. Start with easy task that is set, then go to harder one or visa versa, tune into your child. Are they competitive, do they learn with fun, do they learn by doing, ie give them a tape measure tell them to measure the furniture and add it up….Draw the story as you read it, Use cut out magazines to make a story. Get them to draw their mood on the day….
  • Match up the task with your workload. If you got heaps on..they do little tasks, when you freed up…you can focus on the harder stuff. or Leave that for weekend when you not working, and can focus on their school tasks.
  • Contact the school, they are very helpful and writing this manual with you.
  • Reward based activity works for the kid that just cannot give a toss. Stick to it, do not cave in as it the easy option. This will set up a precedent and they will play you like a fiddle. You are the parent. Count to 10, 20, often i had to count to 30 to stop from blowing up.
  • Monitor screen time: Too much sends them feral. Monitor what they have to do for school, add recreation time.
  • Get some breaks in often, change of position, drinks of water, keep sugar low as this causes mood swings, to add to the confusion.
  • Expel the kid into the back yard. Rain, hail or snow, to blow off some cobwebs, with view of coming back and at least do some reading.
  • Keep them off gaming devices and use it as reward after tasks completed, if that work for your kid.
  • Get some Grandparent help: They just may respond to them.
  • Zoom or face time with their friends as a reward for learning.
  • Just breathe, all is not lost, keep them reading something, as all senses learn with reading of some sort.
  • Good luck, and Stay in mindset you can only do what you can.
Image result for image of love and kindness with kids
will all work out.

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