Level 1: Workshop in person March 2023

Register: for more Information to learn this Empowering Modality!

Vibrational Healing or Pranic Plus (why the name change?) Because we have evolved to a higher vibrational technique, that is quicker and slicker. Come with us on the ride with energy as this new age begins. Taught in incremental Levels.

What will I Learn? Self-Discovery of how to access and utilize life-force/energy! To use daily in all aspects of your life. Empowering your well-being. This is portable, cost effective, workshops anyone can learn to access and utilize life force for purpose to maximize your anatomy. Physical and Metaphysical. This will result in numerous benefits, in particular relief of stress, anxiety, fear-based living to freedom, just self-discovery as you raise your vibration using this technique:

The techniques can apply to numerous aspects of your daily life from first aid to major stress management symptoms. These techniques complement existing western medicine, are safe, complimenting your existing health strategies. Or you might just want to know what else there is to life, by learning this modality you open up to a wider perspective of you! What is It? A portable non touch, Energy technique that is has evolved using vibrational shifts, to keep your Energy Anatomy free form stress, damage and blockages.

The system works on all of your unseen anatomy not just bits of it. It based on a medical model but all-encompassing on your entire energy anatomy. Quite simply, we power-wash off the stinking thinking and traumas off your energy field. What will I Learn? This is Incremental Learning, (broken down into steps) with each workshop enhancing your vibration, knowledge, skill and practice. Recommended to Level 4 to complete the skills Needed to be competent, practiced, and Accredited. • Learn How to Access and Utilize Energy from the Quantum field. • Techniques that, are simple, easy to maintain and manage every aspect of your life. • Uses in all aspects of – Professional/Family/Spiritual/Financial/Personal/Psychological life. • Maintain emotional health and well-being! Reduce & Manage daily stress! • This is non-religious, technique, used by every culture and belief system on the planet. • Hands on! go home day one and can use it! Improve well being. • Free destress and energy relief treatments. Hands on! Kinetic learning.

Register: E: aus_mscott@hotmail.com Ph : 0488 303 339 Need to know if you want weekend or midweek or zoom

Where: CCBT: Sunday Workshops: 39-51 Intrepid St, Berwick 3806 Thursdays: Berwick.

When: Level 1 The Techniques Two Sundays! Day 1: March 2023:

OR: Midweek: on request.

OR: Zoom sessions on request: Register ASAP

You have to walk before you run. This 2-day workshop you learn the techniques: This is incremental learning. First off, we learn how to, feel variations in energy of your body. You will learn, metaphysical anatomy, associations to physical, and emotional body maintaining your health. You will learn the benefits of etheric hygiene including my 2012 innovative aspect of ROF technique of etheric hygiene. Mastering this in USA, has been game changing, I share with you in Level 1. By the end of the workshop, you be able to use the skills with confidence to take home to your daily life to reduce your stress, to maintain your health, and raise your vibration. Register today! Follow the link, use your email get more information. https://aushealthconsulting.com Still not clear? Or want more information Call 048 303 339. Please leave a message so I can return your call.

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